Fortunately because Mitch is still in the training world, he had the opportunity to take time off around the holidays and go home to Ohio. It was the last time we were going to make it to Ohio before our move out west, which made it even more bittersweet than it already was. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to stomach being home without either of my parents there, but I couldn't handle not being with my sister during the holidays more than that. So we loaded up the car and 16+ hours of ice and rain later, we finally made it.
Driving straight through the storm :( |
Ice build-up on antenna |
Yep, that much ice on the mirror |
Pups enjoying their first hotel stay :) |
Are we there yet? |
Couldn't have been more directly in our path. |
We had a lot of fun while we were home and were able to fit a lot into a short amount of time!
Great sign at the liquor/party store at home :) |
Decorating Kait's mini tree to keep up tradition! |
Christmas Eve <3 |
My two favorites <3 |
In their Christmas sweaters to brave the Ohio cold :) |
Napping with dad at the lake house :) |
Getting to meet our new twin nephews :) |
New Years Eve :) |
My love <3 |
Going home turned out to be even more difficult than I prepared myself for. I love my family and friends, but Ohio doesn't feel as much like
home without my own "home" to go home to. I am so grateful for everyone that opens up their home to me when I am back, and I do know that I have places to go, but it will never be the same. It was also super emotional because this time of year last year was the beginning of everything that happened with mom. I kept saying to Mitch while we were home that I just felt like I was alone in a crowded room. I kept waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares of last year, which was very unsettling and exhausting. When I'm not in Ohio I feel like I don't have to face the physical reality of her being gone as much, so being there was helpful for more closure. I'm kind of grateful to be away from Ohio for awhile now, though I will miss it a lot. I think us settling down in a new home, in a new town, and starting over will be extremely helpful in my healing process.

Anyway, I didn't mean for this post to be depressing! Our time in Ohio was fun and we were so grateful to spend time with people we love. Thank you to all for making the trip more bearable with your love and support. We hope that everyone will come visit once we get settled! :)